사당동 사당우성2단지 분석

-사당동 사당우성2단지 분석

  1. 위치

사당동 사당우성2단지는 4, 7호선 이수역에서 도보 10분 거리에 위치하고 있는데요

이전에 임장 다녀온 곳이라 사당우성2단지까지는 걸어가기에 경사도 높지 않아 괜찮았던 기억이 있어요

2. 기본정보

1080세대로 이루어져 있어 대단지에 속한다고 생각을 하는데요

층수는 15층이지만 실제로 가서 보면 15층이더라도 한쪽은 16층 같은 느낌이고 한쪽은 15층 같은 느낌이었어요

경사도가 있어서 그랬던 것 같아요

오래된 아파트라 중앙난방을 사용중이고, 리모델링 이야기가 살짝 나온 아파트지만 리모델링 되기까지는 대략 7년 이상 걸릴 것 같은 단지입니다

3. 장단점 비교

3-1. 장점

  • 주요 업무지구와의 접근성이 높은 곳
    • 지하철 4, 7호선과의 접근성이 높음. 경사도가 있지만 걸어서 갈 정도의 거리임.
    • 강남까지 7호선을 타고 한번에 갈 수 있고, 이수역 4호선에서 동작역으로 가면 9호선 여의도역으로 가기에도 가깝고 4호선을 타고 쭉 강북쪽으로 가면 용산이나 광화문쪽의 접근성도 괜찮음.
  • 리모델링 가능성
    • 실제로 리모델링이 추진되고 있는 당지임. 리모델링을 하게 되면 주변에 있는 우성 3단지, 극동, 신동아 4차 아파트가 함께 해서 대규모 단지가 될 가능성 있음.
    • 복도식 아파트지만 리모델링 하게 되면 계단식으로 하게 될 듯
    • 리모델링 할 때 층수가 1개의 층수 씩 높아지게 된다고 함. 정확한 이유는 기억 안나지만 그렇데요..
  • 상권 및 인프라가 발달되어 있음
    • 사진에 나온 것 처럼 사당동 사당우성2단지아파트 바로 앞쪽에는 시장이 있어서 물가도 저렴한 편이고, 음식점이 나름 많이 있음. 그치만 술집이 많은 건 또 단점이긴 함.
  • 초등학교 까지의 거리 가까움
    • 옆쪽에 삼일 초등학교가 가까이 있어서 안심이 됨. 단점으로 중, 고등학교가 애매함.

3-2 단점

  • 역과 가까우나 경사도가 있음
    • 실제로 성인이 걷기에는 부담스럽지 않지만 유모차를 가진 부모 또는 아기를 안고 다녀야 하는 경우 부담스러울 수 있음
  • 근처에 마땅한 중, 고등학교가 없음
    • 고등학교는 근처에 경문고등학교가 괜찮지만, 중학교는 좀 애매한 느낌. 조금 떨어져서 동작중학교가 있지만 동작중학교 까지는 거리도 멀고 경사도가 심함 ㅠㅠ
  • 학원가의 형성이 애매함
    • 실제로는 어떨지 모르겠지만 호갱노노 상에서는 학원가 형성이 많이 되어있지 않다고 느껴짐. 이수역쪽에 있긴 한 것 같은데 약간 애매한 느낌이다.
  • 술집 거리의 형성
    • 사당우성2단지아파트에서 이수역쪽에 상권 형성이 크게 되어 있는데 대부분 술집이 많았음. 솔직히 나처럼 성인들은 상관 없을 것 같은데 아이를 키우는 사람들은 별로 선호하지 않을 수 있다는 생각이 듦
  • 아파트의 노후화
    • 실제로 호갱노노 후기 보면 바퀴벌레가 나온다고 할 정도로 벌레도 많이 나오는 것 같다
    • 오래전에 지어져서 복도식 아파트다. 리모델링 되면 계단식으로 바뀔 것 같으나 리모델링 오래 걸릴 것 같음. 요즘처럼 원자재값 상승되어 있는 시기라 리모델링이 실제로 될까?도 의문스러움.
    • 중앙난방 시스템이라 관리비가 많이 나온다고 함.
    • 나이가 많은 어르신들 비율이 은근 높아서 리모델링 분담금이 늘어난다면 분명히 반대하는 사람들이 많아질 것 같음
    • 주차장 없다고 생각하면 됨. 부족한 주차장 대수.


사당동 사당우성2단지아파트는 이수역과 가까이 있어 입지 상 우극신 중 가장 고평가 받는 단지지만 사당동 특유의 한계는 확실히 있어 매수할 때 주의해야 함. 주변 이수역과 거리가 멀리 있는 아파트들에 비해 가격이 저렴한 이유는 오래된 아파트이기 때문. 리모델링은 현재 시장 상황으로 볼 때는 10%도 안될 것 같음. 고금리에 자재값이 올랐기 때문이다. 그래도 눈여겨봐야 할 이유가 있다면 위치가 너무 나이스함. 네이버 부동산에 나온 매물들 가격을 보면 9억5천~11억정도 하는데 내가 생각하기에는 가격에 큰 매리트가 없는 것 같다. 급매물이 나오기를 기다렸다가 매수하는게 좋을 것 같음. 이유는 리모델링이 안될 수 있다고 생각하기 때문이다. 작년부터 눈여겨 보았지만 작년 말~늦으면 올해 초 리모델링 시공사 선정을 한다고 했었는데 아직 리모델링 시공사도 선정이 안되었기 때문이다.

한줄평 : 지금 당장 매수하기에는 매리트가 없음. 급매물 나오길 기다리자.

수서역 행복주택 청약 신청 및 신청자격

수서역 행복주택 청약 신청 및 신청자격

수서역 행복주택 청약 신청 및 신청자격

수서역 행복주택 A-2BL 행복주택이 입주 가능한 세대원들을 모집하고 있다!

지원하고 싶은데 아쉽게도 자격에 해당이 안되서 자격 요건 충족하시는 분들은 무조건 신청하세요!!!

1. 수서역 행복주택에 신청해야 하는 이유

  1. 100% 추첨제다
  2. 청년형 즉 1인 가구를 위한 행복주택인데도 36평형 집이 있다.(물론 보증금이 조금 비싸긴 함)
  3. 3호선 수서역에 걸어서 15분-20분 정도 걸린다.(역 바로 앞은 아니지만, 그래도 저 가격에 저 강남이면 진짜 좋은거임)
  4. 대단지여서 인프라 구축이 잘 되어 있다.
  5. 신축아파트다!!
  6. 300명이 넘게 모집하고 있음.
  7. 가격이 저렴하다.
  8. 바로 옆쪽에 중학교 부지가 있어서 중학교가 생길 예정이다.

이렇게나 장점이 많은 수서역 행복주택 솔직히 자격 충족 하면 무조건 신청해보세용

2. 수서역 행복주택 지원자격

밑에 타입 읽어보기 전 지원자격 먼저 읽어보고 하시길. 괜히 먼저 주택 보고 설렜다가 안되서 실망함.

  1. 대학생
    • 재학, 다음학기 입학, 복학예정이어야 함.
    • 미혼 상태여야 함.
    • 자산 8,500만원 이하여야 됨.(본인)
    • 자동차 없어야됨.
    • 본인, 부모님 소득이 100% 이하여야 한다.(소득 금액 위에 표에 있으니 참고해보세요.)
    • 청약통장 필요없음
    • 서울 또는 연접 지역에 거주하거나 대학이 위치하면 1순위(연접 지역 위에 표에 있으니 참고), 2순위는 1순위 외 경기도, 3순위는 1,2순위 지역 외 타 지역
  2. 취업준비생
    • 대학교 또는 고등학교 졸업 또는 중퇴 2년 이내여야함.
    • 미혼
    • 자산 8,500만원 이하.(본인)
    • 자동차 없어야함.
    • 본인, 부모님 소득이 100% 이하여야 한다.(소득 금액 위에 표에 있으니 참고)
    • 청약통장 필요없음.
    • 서울 또는 연접 지역에 거주하거나 대학이 위치하면 1순위(연접 지역 위에 표에 있으니 참고), 2순위는 1순위 외 경기도, 3순위는 1,2순위 지역 외 타 지역
  3. 청년
    • 만 19세~39세 이하
    • 미혼
    • 자산 2억 9,900만원 이하여야 됨. (세대원은 본인만)
    • 자동차 3,683만원 이하
    • 세대 소득 100% 이하 (표에 소득 금액 있으니 참고, 세대원은 본인만)
    • 청약통장 입주 전까지 가입하면 됨.
    • 서울 또는 연접 지역에 거주하거나 회사가 위치하면 1순위(연접 지역 위에 표에 있으니 참고), 2순위는 1순위 외 경기도, 3순위는 1,2순위 지역 외 타 지역
  4. 사회초년생
    • 청년과 조건 동일하나 소득 발생 5년 이내여야 함.
  5. 신혼부부 등등
    • LH 홈페이지에 자세히 나와 있으니 참고하시길 바람

여기서 이제 소득기준이 궁금할텐데, 소득기준은 공고일 기준 건강보험 건강보수월액 기준이다.

3. 수서역 행복주택 주택 타입

수서역 행복주택 타입은 여러가지가 있는데 먼저, 청년이 신청 가능한 타입들은

  1. 원룸형 구조인 14A타입(164세대)
    • 원룸인데도 불구하고 발코니까지 있음!
    • 보증금을 최대한 늘리면 월 6만원에 거주 가능하다.
  • 2-1. 분리형 원룸 구조인 26A타입(150세대)

원룸이지만 중간에 중문이 있는 구조여서 요리할 때 방에 냄새 안들어가게 할 수 있다는 장점이 있음

보증금 최대한 늘리면 월 12만원에 거주 가능

2-2. 분리형 원룸 구조인 26B 타입

26B 타입 역시 중간에 중문이 있는 구조!

보증금을 최대한 늘리면 월 12만원이면 거주 가능하다

3-1. 1.5룸형 구조인 36A 타입(320세대)

솔직히 여기는 둘이 살아도 괜찮다고 생각함 그만큼 넓다

보증금을 최대로 늘리면 17만원에 거주 가능.(물론 보증금이 1억이 넘어서 보증금이 많이 비싸긴 함. 그치만 주변 시세에 비하면 훨씬훨씬 저렴함.)

청년 뿐 아니라 신혼부부도 36평형 타입에 지원할 수 있다.

3-2. 방이 하나가 있는 구조인 36B 타입

드레스룸까지 있는 너무 좋은 구조

조건이 가능했다면 여기 바로 지원했을듯

요것도 보증금 최대로 늘리면 월 17만원에 살 수 있다

4. 44평형 타입도 있는데 요건 신혼부부 용 타입이다.

궁금하신 분들은 LH 홈페이지 들어가서 찾아보시길

4. 수서역 행복주택 모집일정

수서역 행복주택은 7월 3일부터 5일까지 접수 기간이고

후에 선정이 되면 서류대상자 발표를 하고 서류를 제출하면 된다

저는 신청 못하지만 이 글 보고 신청하시는 분들 모두 당첨되시길!!!

LH 홈페이지에 더 자세한 정보가 있으니 참고하세용


Summary of Diablo 4 consecutive hits (thieves)

See here for the theorem on activity.

A summary of the Spinning Blade Rogue can be found here.

1. Introduction of Yeontalog (thief)

1.1 Introduction to continuous log build

Clash Rogue is an easy-to-play melee variant in Diablo 4. With good movement and high AoE damage, you can blast large hordes of monsters while wiping out large enemies with stabbing daggers and poison effects.

The advantages of the continuous hit log are as follows.

Controls are very convenient: One of the great things about this build is the convenience of its controls. With this build, players can hunt up to the 50th floor very comfortably.

Suitable for Pedro Play: This multi-hit rogue is said to be very good for Pedro play. You have to pay a little attention to the shadow step control, but it is possible to farm normal dungeons and nightmare dungeons of moderate difficulty.

High DPS: This build features high DPS. In particular, when the venom free explodes, it becomes an infinite poison injection on top of it, and you can instantly extract huge DPS.

Multiple build options: This build offers multiple build options. Players can tailor their build to suit their style.

Convenient Hunting: With this build, players are said to be able to enjoy hunting conveniently. This build is convenient, powerful and fun.

2. Combination skill composition

The main skills used in this build are:

  • Basic Skills: Drilling 1 point, Enhanced Drilling, Fundamental Drilling
  • Core Skill: Multi-hit (Including Enhanced Multi-hit and Enhanced Multi-hit)
  • Survival Skill: Shadowwalk (including Enhanced Shadowwalk and Moderated Shadowwalk)
  • Passive Skill: Quick Trick 1 point
  • Deception Skills: Smoke Bomb (Includes Enhanced Smoke Bomb and Counterattack Smoke Bomb), Dark Curtain (Includes Enhanced Shadow Curtain and 8% Critical Hit Chance Increase option when holding 4 or more Shadow Curtains)
  • Infusion Skills: Shadow Infusion (including Empowered Shadow Infusion and Mixed Shadow Infusion), Frost Infusion (including Empowered Frost Infusion and Mixed Frost Infusion)
  • Passive Skills: Agility 3 points, Exploitation San points Baby 3 points, Precision Injection 3 points
  • Ultimate: Not used
  • Specialization Skills: Use Combo Points

If you use your ultimate as a death trap, you can use it without one of the infusion skills.

Click on multi-hit thief skill build

3. Tips for choosing serial log items

3.1 Helm : Choose from various resistances, max health, total armor, cooldown reduction, and basic skill attack speed. On the helmet side, it is good to take care of defense-related options, and you can wear topaz or ruby for jewelry.

3.2 Chest armor: Various damage reduction options Take care of applicable damage reduction options, such as poisonous damage reduction or damage reduction from enemies at close range, and total defense, as well as various resistances, and maximum health. If there is a groove, you can wear topaz or ruby like a helmet.

3.3 Armor : It is recommended to take care of the spinning blade grade to the maximum first. Gloves have an option related to lucky hit, and it is recommended that you take care of the health healing option because it has a very good retention.

3.4 Pants : Total Armor Damage Reduction Max Life Energy Cost Reduction option is best. If there is a groove, you can wear topaz or ruby.

3.5 Shoes : Movement speed Increases movement speed for 4 seconds after clearing, reduces energy consumption of various resistances.

3.6 Two-Handed Weapon : Take care of the deal options. Deal-related options include: Please put emeralds on gems to add damage to vulnerable opponents.

Damage to enemies at close range
Damage to Enemies Affected by Crowd Control Status Effects
Daze Damage to Enemies
Core Skill Damage Maximization Damage
Such as damage to enemies affected by skills.

For two-handed weapons, a crossbow is recommended rather than a bow. The reason is that the crossbow has a crit damage attached to it.

3.8 One-Handed Weapon : Swords are recommended over daggers. The reason is because of the maximal damage attached. In the sword, take care of various damage options.

3.9 Necklace : It is good to have agility, cooldown reduction, energy consumption reduction, damage reduction, movement speed, etc.

3.10 Ring : We recommend deal-related options. damage increase, extreme accuracy, extreme skin, etc.

Put a skull on the evil to increase the defense.

4. Continuous hit log phase

Aspects are broadly divided into Defense, Offense, Resource, Support, and Mobility phases, each with different item types allowed. Excluding two-handed weapons that double the phase effect and necklaces that double the phase effect, apply the applicable phase to the item accordingly.

You can choose from the phases that drop and use them, but certain phases are very useful in certain situations, so it's a good idea to consider those phases first.

For example, among defense phases, 'damage reduction' is useful for all characters, and among attack phases, 'Maximum Damage' and 'Basic Skill Damage' can greatly increase attack power. Among the resource phases, 'energy recovery' or 'energy consumption reduction' are very helpful for energy management. Among the secondary phases, 'cooldown reduction' and 'healing effect' increase survivability in battle. Lastly, among the Mobility phases, 'Movement Speed' reduces map movement time, enabling efficient hunting.

Each phase can be useful in various situations depending on its characteristics, so it is important to select and use the phase that suits your play style and build.

In this phase, the spinning blade phase must be used unconditionally. I recommend putting it on a crossbow.

Image source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAsWOqgRlz8&t=15s

5. Continuous log specialization and conqueror board

For the 5.1 specialization, 2 infusions are recommended for combo points, and 1 infusion and 1 trap are recommended for combat readiness.

5.2 Conqueror Board

Summary of Diablo 4 Spinning Blade Log (Rogue)

See here for the theorem on activity.

1. Revolving Blade Rogue (Rogue) Introduction

1.1Introducing Rotary Blade Log Build

    The advantage of this build is that it has better mobility than other classes, allowing for stylish battles, and the skill itself is excellent, allowing for a stable build-up from the early stages to the late stages.

    The rotating blade build is a build that deals damage by matching the blade that returns after using a skill to many enemies, so positioning during battle is very important. For positioning, two types of movers are adopted: sprint, shadow step, and advanced spinning blade. The cooldown time can be greatly reduced, so the mover can be used without restrictions.

    Since you have to be close to the enemy to use the spinning blade, it's important to have some basic survival skills. In the case of shadow walk, you can use it even if you are hit by crowd control techniques such as freezing or fainting, and it is a very useful skill for survival as it becomes unstoppable immediately after use. Therefore, it is better to use it as an escape rather than an entry.

    Next, in the case of Darkness, the damage reduction effect is applied. Even if you give only one skill point, you can get a total of 40% damage reduction by 8% for each shadow. As explained earlier, the cooldown reduction through the spinning blade allows you to continuously use the Shroud of Darkness. In addition, the advantage is that it is a build that allows you to collect various survival equipment through phase conqueror node item options and to enable stable hunting as much as possible.

    2. Rotating Blade Skill Configuration

    The main skills used in this build are:

    2.1 Spinning blade : This skill is a build that deals damage by aligning the blade that returns after use to many enemies, and positioning during battle is very important. If you take an advanced spinning blade, you can greatly reduce the cooldown time, so you can use your mobility without restrictions.

    2.2 Sprinting Shadow Walk : These two movement devices are adopted. Since you have to be close to the enemy to use the movement device, it is important to take good care of the basic survival mechanism. In the case of shadow walk, you can use it even if you are hit by crowd control techniques such as freezing or fainting, and it is a very useful skill for survival as it becomes unstoppable immediately after use. Therefore, it is better to use it as an escape rather than an entry.

    2.3 Shroud of Darkness : In the case of this skill, the damage reduction effect is applied. Even if you give only one skill point, you can get a total of 40% damage reduction by 8% for each shadow. As explained earlier, the cooldown reduction through spinning blades allows you to continuously use Shadow Shroud.

    In addition, you can get a variety of survival skills through phases, conqueror nodes, and item options. The build has been configured to enable stable hunting as much as possible through these skills.

    Image source: https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/twisting-blades-rogue-guide

    Korean version: https://www.chaoscube.co.kr/addon/diablo4-skill-calculator?rogue=8.1,9.1,10.1,20.5,21.1,22.1,40.3,41.3,42.3,43.1,44.1,45.1,47.1 ,48.1,50.1,51.3,52.3,70.1,71.1,59.1,60.1,61.1,68.3,69.3,78.1,79.1,80.3,101.3,111.3,115.1,117.3,118.1&lang=KR

    Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAsWOqgRlz8&t=15s

    Again, skill is preference.

    3. Tips for choosing a rotating blade log item

    3.1 Helm : Choose from various resistances, max health, total armor, cooldown reduction, and basic skill attack speed. On the helmet side, it is good to take care of defense-related options, and you can wear topaz or ruby for jewelry.

    3.2 Chest armor: Various damage reduction options Take care of applicable damage reduction options, such as poisonous damage reduction or damage reduction from enemies at close range, and total defense, as well as various resistances, and maximum health. If there is a groove, you can wear topaz or ruby like a helmet.

    3.3 Armor : It is recommended to take care of the spinning blade grade to the maximum first. Gloves have an option related to lucky hit, and it is recommended that you take care of the health healing option because it has a very good retention.

    3.4 Pants : Total Armor Damage Reduction Max Life Energy Cost Reduction option is best. If there is a groove, you can wear topaz or ruby.

    3.5 Shoes : Movement speed Increases movement speed for 4 seconds after clearing, reduces energy consumption of various resistances.

    3.6 Two-Handed Weapon : Take care of the deal options. Deal-related options include: Please put emeralds on gems to add damage to vulnerable opponents.

    Damage to enemies at close range
    Damage to Enemies Affected by Crowd Control Status Effects
    Daze Damage to Enemies
    Core Skill Damage Maximization Damage
    Such as damage to enemies affected by skills.

    For two-handed weapons, a crossbow is recommended rather than a bow. The reason is that the crossbow has a crit damage attached to it.

    3.8 One-Handed Weapon : Swords are recommended over daggers. The reason is because of the maximal damage attached. In the sword, take care of various damage options.

    3.9 Necklace : It is good to have agility, cooldown reduction, energy consumption reduction, damage reduction, movement speed, etc.

    3.10 Ring : We recommend deal-related options. damage increase, extreme accuracy, extreme skin, etc.

    Put a skull on the evil to increase the defense.

    4. Phase

    Aspects are broadly divided into Defense, Offense, Resource, Support, and Mobility phases, each with different item types allowed. Excluding two-handed weapons that double the phase effect and necklaces that double the phase effect, apply the applicable phase to the item accordingly.

    You can choose from the phases that drop and use them, but certain phases are very useful in certain situations, so it's a good idea to consider those phases first.

    For example, among defense phases, 'damage reduction' is useful for all characters, and among attack phases, 'Maximum Damage' and 'Basic Skill Damage' can greatly increase attack power. Among the resource phases, 'energy recovery' or 'energy consumption reduction' are very helpful for energy management. Among the secondary phases, 'cooldown reduction' and 'healing effect' increase survivability in battle. Lastly, among the Mobility phases, 'Movement Speed' reduces map movement time, enabling efficient hunting.

    Each phase can be useful in various situations depending on its characteristics, so it is important to select and use the phase that suits your play style and build.

    In this Aspect, you must use the Aspect of the Sworddancer. Aspect of the Sworddancer is recommended to be embedded in a crossbow.

    Image source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAsWOqgRlz8&t=15s

    5. Specialization and Conqueror Board

    Inner Sight is recommended for the 5.1 specialization.

    Rogues can choose one of three special passives that enhance their playstyle. Our pick here is‍ because we want to spam Inner Sight‍ twisting blades as much as possible makes the build very resource-hungry, which is partially addressed by this specialization choice.

    You must attack marked enemies to trigger the effect. above their heads. Depending on the damage dealt to the target, the Inner Sight gauge next to it

    5.2 Conqueror Board

    Source: https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/twisting-blades-rogue-guide#paragon-boards-header

    Summary of Diablo 4 Rogue (Rogue) Active

    This is an article about log (thief).

    Before going into detail, let's start with a boring but brief introduction to rogues.

    1. History of Rogue (Rogue)

    Rogues in Diablo 1 were called rogues, and were one of three main classes: warriors, sorcerers, and rogues. Since the original name was log, I will use it interchangeably with log (thief) in this post. Actually, I like the name Rogue much more, but since the translation has already become Rogue, I have no choice but to use Rogue (Rogue) interchangeably.

    In Diablo 2, rogues (thieves) appear as mercenaries in Act 1. There's a story that people don't know, but Diablo 2's Act 1 boss, Blood Raven, is Diablo 1's rogue. This setting is that after defeating Diablo in Diablo 1, he became corrupted and became the Blood Raven. This can be said to be the beginning of the setting in which the main characters of the Diablo series appear as villains.

    Rogue, who first appeared in Diablo 1 and appeared as a villain in Diablo 2, will appear again as a playable character in Diablo 4.

    Blood Raven photo source: https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Blood_Raven

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