요즘 소액으로 시장을 경험해보자 라는 마인드로, 20만원 정도의 소액으로 코인선물을 하고 있습니다.
물론 대다수의 자금은 아직 주식에 남아있구요.
코인선물을 하게 된 계기는, 여자친구랑 한강에서 산책하다가, 한강뷰의 레미안 아파트를 보니 너무 거기서 살고 싶더라구요. 막연하게 저기서 살면 좋겠다 라고 생각했습니다. 물론, 우리가 저기서 어떻게 살어, 그냥 현생이나 열심히 살자 이렇게 생각하고 치울 수도 있었겠지만, 어떻게든 방법을 찾아보고 싶었고, 부를 쌓을 방법 중 하나가 실력만 있다면 비교적 빠르게 부를 쌓을 수 있는 선물이라고 생각이 들었습니다.
그렇다고 실력도 없는데 작으면 100만원 크면 1억 되는 돈을 코인 선물에 투입할 순 없기에, 아주 소액으로 시작하게 되었습니다.
코인 선물 하다보니 장단점이 있습니다. 우선, 저는 주식에서 주로 스윙으로 수익을 내었고, 손실을 잘 견딥니다. 그래서 그런지, 생각보다 매매 경험이 많이 없었다는 걸 코인 선물 하면서 깨달았습니다.
그래서 제가 생각하는 장점은, 매매 경험을 많이 쌓을 수 있다 인 것 같습니다.
어쩌면, 매매를 많이 하지 않아서 주식으로 수익을 낸 걸수도 있지만, 중요한 건 매일 차트보고, 매매하고 하다보니 생각보다 매매경험이 많이 쌓이게 됩니다. 이게 약이 될지 독이 될지는 아직 잘 모르겠습니다.
단점은 정신적인 스트레스가 장난 아닙니다. 여친이 자기도 해본다는거 진짜 뜯어말렸습니다. 이 스트레스는 저혼자 받아도 족하다고 생각들었습니다. 이리저리 깨지다보니 멘탈이 정말 가루가 되더군요. 그래도 꾸역꾸역 매매를 계속 해 왔습니다. 물론 그 성적은 처참합니다. 지금까지 5번 청산당했네요.
이 짓을 하다보니 문득 고민이 몇가지 듭니다.
1. 이게 과연 내 인생에서 무슨 도움이 될까?
인생에서 도움이라는 말은, 코인 선물을 해서는 사람들과 이 주제로 대화하면서 생기는 교류라던가, 지식이 쌓인다던가 이런게 전혀 없습니다.
그래서 이걸 하고 있으면 현타가 옵니다. 하다못해 주식은 오늘 어떤게 올랐는지, 왜 올랐는지 종목을 공부하면서 산업을 보게 되고 자연스레 지식이 쌓이는데, 코인은 뭐랄까, 밈 코인을 보고 있으면 헛웃음이 나옵니다. 아 물론, 주식도 정치 테마주 보고 있으면 마찬가지긴 하지만, 코인도 그런 맥락으로 받아들이고 그냥 트레이딩의 영역으로 싸게 사서 비싸게 판다 이 마인드로만 접근해야 되는건지 고민이 드네요. 물론 돈 벌자고 하는 것이니, 깊게 생각 할 것 없이 돈을 벌면 그만이지 않냐 생각도 들긴 합니다. 글을 써 놓고 보니 모든 사람은 시장에서 얻고 싶은걸 얻는다 라는 말이 생각나네요. 제가 시장에서 돈을 얻고 싶은건지, 공부하면서 성취감을 얻고 싶은건지 진지하게 고민을 해 볼 필요가 있을 것 같습니다.
2. 내가 올바른 방향으로 가고 있는건가?
전 뭐든 한번 시작하면 꾸준히 하려고 합니다. 물론 꾸준히 못하는 경우도 많지만, 그래도 마음 먹은건 최대한 하려고 하는 편입니다. 성실함이 제 무기이기도 하구요. 그런데 지금 고민되는 건, 결국 제가 올바른 방향으로 가고 있긴 한건지, 고민이 듭니다.
근무 환경이 재택이라 사실 차트를 보려면 근무시간 내내 볼 수 도 있습니다. 그런데 그렇게 하진 않습니다. 제 본업도 집중해야 하니까요. 그래서 차트는 보통 퇴근하고 6시부터 켭니다. 코인 선정 시간 단축을 위해 변동성이 높은 코인들을 추려내는 프로그래밍 코드를 짜놓고 돌려보면서 단타칠 코인을 선택하고 진입자리를 보고 트레이딩을 합니다.
그리고, 매일 매매일지를 쓰고 매매 복기를 합니다.
그런데, 이걸 하고 있으니 결국 1번의 고민이 들면서 내가 올바른 방향으로 가고 있긴 한건지, 이렇게 하다보면 결국 실력이 상승해서 돈깡님과 다른 트레이더들처럼 부를 쥘 수 있는건지, 말이 트레이딩이지 내가 하고 있는게 도박이랑 다른게 뭔지, 이런 부정적인 생각이 듭니다.
그래서 고민을 해 보다가 이런 생각을 하게 되었습니다.
퇴근 후 기존처럼 트레이딩에 시간을 할애하되, 주식에서 오늘 많이 오른 또는 많이 떨어진 종목을 살펴보면 어떨까? 라는 생각이 듭니다. 트레이딩 한다고 해도 자리 기다릴 때도 많으니 옆에 차트만 켜두고 수시로 보면서 진입자리 보면서 이걸 하면 어떨까 생각이 들기도 합니다. 그런데 이러다보면, 주식과 코인 어느하나 집중 못하고 둘 다 놓치는건 아닌지 고민이 듭니다.
이 고민의 끝은 어디일지 알 순 없습니다. 하지만, 몇 년 뒤 다시 이 글을 봤을 때 전 어떤 사람이 되어있을지 궁금하긴 합니다.
Short-term trading is one of the stock investment strategies, and it refers to a short-term trading strategy using the phenomenon of 'trigger neck' in which stocks temporarily decline. To understand this strategy, you first need to know what a 'pinch neck' is. A pullback is a temporary drop in price after a stock has soared. This often occurs in stocks with high trading volume, stocks that are trending upward with decreasing all-time highs, stocks with good supply and demand, stocks with a large order book, and stocks that steadily rise along the 5-day line. These sports are always going to come out of the press.
Actual application of short-term trading
In practical application of the short-term trading strategy, it is recommended to buy stocks when they are down 2% to 3%. This is because it is a natural phenomenon for the depressed neck to come out. For example, someone who has previously bought and been bitten will want to sell when the price is near breakeven because they have been bitten for a long time. These volumes or the desire to take profits from those who bought them that day usually cause pressure. It is important to understand the situation of the item in this way, and after receiving these quantities, if you buy them at the initial price the next day and the price does not fall further and goes up vertically, it can lead to a large follow-up purchase. In this case, if you haven't bought them before, you're better off just letting them go. Because it can spill big.
Points to note in single hit trading
There are a few things to keep in mind when using the pinch-neck day trading strategy.
Avoid vertical stocks early in the market
Avoid stocks that are down more than 3-4% in off-hours.
Even at the beginning of the chapter, there will be a lot of people who order the initial price, but usually the main guns do not move from the beginning of the chapter. There are not many cases in which stock prices rise vertically right after the market starts. There are many items that rise after pressing with a probability, and if it just rises without a break right away, just think that it's not my item, it's not something I should be involved in, and just coolly find another item. However, the item that broke through the high point and made a perfect chart does not have to have a really high starting price the next day.
After-hours trading is also important. If there was a 3% or 4% drop in after-hours trading, the initial price the next day would of course be affected, and if the gap fall was so severe that it could not rebound and collapsed, the stock price would often just go down vertically, so it didn't drop too much in after-hours trading. is also important.
The importance of stock investment mental management
When investing in stocks, trading sometimes gets twisted or fails, and in this case, the investor's mentality is often shaken. Investors in these circumstances need the ability to control their emotions, think soberly, and stick to long-term goals.
1. Importance of mental management in stock investment
Investing in stocks is not just a financial decision, it requires strong mental control. Investors are often at the mercy of market volatility, which can lead to poor decisions. In this situation, mental management becomes a key factor for investment success. Investors need the ability to control their emotions, think soberly, and stick to long-term goals.
2. Failure in main investment and how to deal with it
All investors experience failure. What matters is how you deal with failure and how you learn from it. Failure is part of investing, and it helps us make better investment decisions. When faced with failure, investors should not take it as a personal failure. Instead, you should take it as a learning opportunity and use it to develop better investment strategies.
3. Basic investment strategies and their importance
In stock investing, a basic investment strategy is important. This helps investors achieve their investment goals without being swayed by market volatility. Basic investment strategies include asset diversification, long-term investing, and steady investing. These strategies help investors manage market volatility and reduce investment risk.
4. How to restore investor confidence
After experiencing a setback in investing, it is important to restore investor confidence. This helps investors get back on track and achieve their long-term investment goals. One way to regain your confidence is to re-evaluate and, if necessary, improve your investment strategy. Also, it is useful for investors to keep track of their investment decisions and find lessons to learn from them. This helps investors understand their investment style and make better investment decisions.
The first step in finding soaring stocks is stock selection. Stock selection should take into account several factors. Stocks are selected by analyzing the company's financial condition, market trends, industry trends, and economic indicators. In addition, the company's growth potential, profit rate, and dividend rate should be considered. This information may come from a variety of sources including public announcements, news and reports. In addition, you can also find it in the Top Daily Volume list.
1.2 Trading Strategy
After selecting an instrument, you need to develop a trading strategy. Your trading strategy will depend on your individual investment goals, investment period, and risk tolerance. In general, in soaring stock investing, the strategy is to buy when the price starts to rise and sell when the price starts to decrease to realize a profit. To do this, we use technical analysis to understand stock price trends and decide when to buy or sell.
1.3 Risk management
Investing in soaring stocks can expect high returns, but at the same time, it also carries great risks. Therefore, risk management is very important. Investors should properly distribute their investment amount and set a stop loss line to prevent large losses. In addition, you must constantly monitor market conditions and adjust your strategy if necessary.
It is important to know that soaring stocks are fast going up but also fast going down.
1.4 Continuous learning and research
Investing in soaring stocks is a way to get high returns in a short period of time, but it requires continuous learning and research. Investors should constantly analyze market trends, company growth prospects, economic indicators, etc., and modify and improve their investment strategies based on this. It is also important to analyze the successes and failures of other investors and incorporate them into your strategy.
1.5 Psychological preparation
Finally, investing in soaring stocks requires psychological preparation. Rise and fall in stock prices can greatly shake investor sentiment. Investors therefore need to be prepared to deal with these market fluctuations. This helps you make your investment decisions objectively and dispassionately.
2. Basic principles of investing in soaring stocks: the importance of volume analysis
2.1 What is Rising Volume Analysis?
Volume is the first factor to consider when choosing a soaring stock. Trading volume refers to the total number of stocks traded during a particular period of time, and is an indicator of how much investors are interested in that stock. A high volume means that many investors are buying or selling the stock, which can increase the stock's price volatility. Soaring stocks are stocks whose prices are rising rapidly, which often coincides with spikes in trading volume. So, when looking for soaring stocks, it's important to look for stocks that are experiencing spikes in trading volume.
You need to look at the relative volume, not the day's volume.
2.2 Importance of volume analysis
Volume analysis is an important tool for understanding price trends in stocks. When the price trend and the volume trend coincide, it helps to see the strength of the trend. For example, if the price of a stock rises and volume also increases, this can be interpreted as indicating a strong uptrend.
Volume analysis is also used to detect potential market reversals. If the price continues to rise but the volume dwindles, this may indicate that the uptrend is weakening. These patterns can inform investors when to sell stocks or consider new entrants.
2.3 Soaring Stock Selection and Volume Analysis
Volume analysis is essential when selecting soaring stocks. Soaring stocks are stocks that are rapidly rising in price, which often occurs along with rapid increases in trading volume. An increase in trading volume increases a stock's price volatility, which can cause a stock price to spike.
So, when looking for soaring stocks, it's important to look for stocks that are experiencing spikes in trading volume. This indicates that a large number of buy orders are coming in and driving up the price of the stock. However, a surge in trading volume is not enough. Investors should also analyze the stock's fundamental value. This helps to avoid 'overheating', where a stock may become overpriced and eventually fall in price.
2.4 Limitations of Volume Analysis
Volume analysis is a very useful tool, but by itself it does not provide a complete investment strategy. Volume helps identify a stock's price trend, but by itself it cannot predict how a stock's price will change in the future. Therefore, volume analysis should be used in conjunction with other technical indicators or fundamental analysis.
Also, since volume analysis does not take into account all factors in the stock market, there are many other factors to consider before making any investment decision. For example, the company's financial position, industry trends, and economic conditions should also be considered.
2.5 Conclusion
Volume analysis is an important tool for selecting soaring stocks. Stocks with increasing trading volume can anticipate a surge in the price of the stock, which can help you find investment opportunities. However, volume analysis alone is not enough, other technical indicators and fundamental analysis must also be considered. This allows investors to make more effective decisions in the stock market.