Introduce to write trade journal using Binance Trade History excel file.
- Write Trade Journal using pandas library
I would like to introduce easy way to write trade journal using pandas library. Assume that you are capable of using python. - Export trade history in Binance through the export button.
- Copy and paste the code below.

import pandas as pd
# Assuming 'Realized Profit' is a column in your DataFrame that contains the profit or loss from each trade
# Win column: count of trades where 'Realized Profit' > 0
df['Win'] = df['Realized Profit'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x > 0 else 0)
# Lose column: count of trades where 'Realized Profit' < 0
df['Lose'] = df['Realized Profit'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x < 0 else 0)
# Win ratio: ratio of winning trades to total trades
win_ratio = df['Win'].sum() / (df['Win'].sum() + df['Lose'].sum())
# Total Trade: total number of trades
total_trade = df.shape[0]
# Total Fee: assuming 'fee' is a column in your DataFrame that contains the fee from each trade
total_fee = df['Fee'].sum()
# Accumulate profit: cumulative sum of 'Realized Profit'
df['Accumulate profit'] = df['Realized Profit'].cumsum()
# Initial Budget: assuming 'initial_budget' is a column in your DataFrame
initial_budget = df['initial_budget']=150 # if the initial budget is the same for all trades
# Total profit: (Initial Budget + Accumulate profit) - Total fee - Initial budget
df['Total profit'] = (initial_budget + df['Accumulate profit']) - total_fee - initial_budget
# Adding a single row DataFrame to store the calculated values
summary_df = pd.DataFrame({
'Win ratio': [win_ratio],
'Total Trade': [total_trade],
'Total Fee': [total_fee],
'Initial Budget': [initial_budget],
'Accumulate profit': [df['Accumulate profit'].iloc[-1]], # The last value in the 'Accumulate profit' column
'Total profit': [df['Total profit'].iloc[-1]] # The last value in the 'Total profit' column